this is true we are all busy for valentines day (doing nothing)
I was at work
I once asked my crush out on valentines day
there is a korean holiday called black day where everyone who was lonely on valentines silently eats noodles in suffering
Did it go poorly
Skill issue
It’s bad too because now take forever to ask someone out
My severe trust issues also make long term relationships difficult
imagine establishing relations with other people
It’s weird how many people here are introverts while I’m a very extroverted person
i am incapable of receiving advances as i cannot mentally parse the idea of people being nice to me
If a woman compliments a man we go into shock as we have to basically flip a coin as to why they were complimented
this is why i never compliment anybody except in abstract ways
Does the same not apply to a woman complimenting a woman
idk im not a woman
no thats just gay
Oh I thought u were implying it was generic