Cookie Thread Act 3: The Cookie Strikes Back

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People are always like ohhhh men get no compliments ever and we remember every compliment we ever get but for purposes of IRL I am a woman and Iā€™m essentially the same way.

I think men see themselves as the Average Man and, like, how do I put this. People who are highly successful at performing Womanhood as the Average Woman. Your picture of Women, as a person outside of that group, will be the women you pay the most attention to, and therefore, like, will constitute, very social and attractive women.

But Iā€™m just some guy! Regardless of performed gender! And I, like a lot of the men who make this complaint, am, like, not particularly social, not One Of The Girls, and so donā€™t get this alleged endless stream of compliments that people say women get. Affix ā€œpopular and successfulā€ to the noun ā€œwomenā€ and yeah, that group probably get more compliments than the average man, but the same is true of popular and successful men!



Every statement made about my gender is a lie

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My gender is wolfing


Also, the majority of casual compliments I do get (and remember forever) come from other (people performing as) women, and I definitely have to do the same thing of ā€œcoinflip ā€˜are you hitting on meā€™ā€ when complimented by a man. Thatā€™s how gendered social circles work. Itā€™s not as extreme as elementary school where all the boys sat together and all the girls sat together but itā€™s still a significant effect.

Some guys speak as if this Great Compliment Disparity is the Responsibility of Women to resolve, but likeā€¦ surely the solution for this is for men to more often compliment each other? You can start doing this today! Compliment strangers and acquaintances! Improve the average kindness of interaction in the world! Itā€™s like the voting ā€˜paradoxā€™! You individually might not make difference but if everybody like you doesnā€™t, that will make a large impact. Except not even really because if you compliment your friends and acquaintances more they will notice and be more likely to compliment you back.

I dunno. More people should start breaking social norms they donā€™t like. Especially to be nice. I started doing this and it was awesome


thatā€™s actually a really good idea


for the purposes of irl i am a man and i have been chased by a few girls, scenarios included:

  • two girls fighting for who gets to have me for prom
  • one girl holding hands with me romantically in front of her bf to jokingly make him jealous
  • same girl forcibly pulling me in to smell my cologne
  • one girl at uni bringing me a box of chocolates as a present and the boys being jealous

not my fault God made me so pretty :sob: :smirk:


Like a great factor in the reason for my gender situation is that I in equal parts fail to live up to and choose not to live up to the gendered expectations of me as a woman. It is a rejection of them. I am clearly outside of these social norms, I do not fit them, I never have, so why should I make them part of my personal identity? Theyā€™re inaccurate. To be a woman is a thing you do and I am not doing it. Donā€™t place me in a category Iā€™ve been clearly outside my entire life, donā€™t judge me by those standards, I will fail them. Iā€™m an undeclared major in gender to let people project whatever the hell they want. Whichever gender they think Iā€™m better at being. Or none, if theyā€™ve made room in their minds for the concept.


for the purposes of irl i am a shark, I have chased a few fish, scenarios include:

  • I was swimming in the ocean and attacked a fish because it looked tasty
  • There was some sea otters swimming near a beach and I ate them
  • There are some cool guys that clean the bottom of me all the time
  • I get to swim around like a badass

not my fault iā€™m so sharky


Growing up I was like occasionally informed a guy had a crush on me but I was obvdyke and also generally unapproachable so nobody ever told me about it themselves. Probably optimal. I did a double take in the first few weeks of college cause a random guy asked me out and I was like ??? oh right these people havenā€™t known Iā€™m gay since we were in third grade


i donā€™t think anyoneā€™s ever had a crush on me actually


if they did they were very good at hiding it

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haha yeah me either

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so uh

what are you doing after class


And then thereā€™s like three intensely homosexual friendships with girls who later came out as gay or bisexual which we never discussed ever. Youā€™ve gotta have some of those.


i got my nose broke for Valentineā€™s Day

I ran into a door

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arenā€™t you like significantly older than me

I also broken my glasses :pensive:

I canā€™t :nerd_face: anymore

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tbh i dont know how old you are but also let me make stupid jokes in peace :pensive: