Cookie Thread Act 3: The Cookie Strikes Back


aren’t chemistry courses evil enough

Shit’s fucked!

Like what I want is the ability to do an endless number of the exact sort of problems that I’ll get on the exams until I fucking get it. That’s the ideal environment for me. This is why all of the math courses I’ve taken have been easy. This is the opposite of that

i keep having the ability to do this and keep never doing this

although the meaning of “the exact sort of problems” in a proof based course can significantly vary

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Oh and they gave “exam preparation problems” that looked like a full exam but. Did not encompass the subjects contained on said exam. So I thought I was fine and then wasn’t

Like it was an old exam I think they just substantially changed the material it’s awesome

I was just scrolling through my tabs to clear them up and i think this screenshot accurately describes my adhd

pic cuz big

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johnny test theme

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i use firefox so i cant do them all but

I can’t have too many tabs open because if I have a tab open it like represents a thought in my brain. I click through my tabs randomly when seeking entertainment. I have to be actively thinking about them all at onc e

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Yes that is a guardian article no i do not read the guardian and do not want to debate the guardian (@ ppl like arete) i just thought that article was very stupid and therefore funny

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Gen Z vs the Brus…

…sle sprouts

i compulsively close mobile tabs because most of the things i look up on mobile are dumb shit

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it looks like gen z vs brussle sprouts

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This however is a very interesting article

I was thinking about how my dad always told me he HATES brussels sprouts so i never ate them as a kid
But after trying them as an adult i really liked them and didn’t get the hate

Turns out ppl have been selectively breeding them over the years to actually taste good! They did used to taste bad!

Cool stuff

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