Cookie Thread Act 3: The Cookie Strikes Back

katze we are currently discussing the horrors either accept tom and jerry as homosexual or join the campfire

sorry this makes me unreasonably angry but
“my own bias” is something that is commonly agreed upon if not always executed (leaving abusive people and never coming back)

i did not feel good about doing that. the situation sucked. they deserved it. the community was safer for it. These are the things I tell myself


I’m confused as to why you are upset. All I said was that is someone still labeled abusive if they’ve stopped abusing people, and I feel like it’s not about that now?

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thats boring

and also im not sure if im gonna be designing fam4 cuz im lazy and tired

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sorry but
originally you said something that could be equated to “stay around abusive people, they’re just human”

am i wrong

theres also a few times as staff for another community ive warned communities about people who have joined who are like. The most racist people alive. I feel much less bad about that when they join a community and immediately explode

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but theyre not gay

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been on the grind? 12 hour shifts? sigma cat grindset?

my oneshot server’s lore includes two seperate incidents of a group of people who really like another unrelated character finding each other there who form a new group in another server and then just start commiting literal hatespeech. fascinating.

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yeah we’ll go with that



isnt oneshot just a game about a cute cat and a fox how does this happen

To be completely clear I was not yet owner of the server. And banned them when it was discovered. Fun times


femboys mainly

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I’ve always held the opinion that you should be wary of judging people. If someone insults me because they are upset, I think to myself “I can think about the times I’ve insulted people, and this person might just be going through what I did.”

You can get space between you and that person while they are insulting you, but labelling that person and saying “I will never be around this person again” is what I would say is wrong.

I probably hold this opinion because I realize my own issues, so I just don’t feel the need to overly judge others. I will have my days where its hard to be around me, so why shouldn’t I be open to letting other people have those days as well?

If you think it’s ok to do it, then it’s your prerogative. I just think if you are okay with doing it to people, then you are accepting other people throwing you away during the days you are down bad and doing something stupid. I personally don’t like if someone does it to me, so I also give people the benefit of getting better.

it is worth noting that group 1 were fiddleafox fans (RED FLAG) and group 2 were changed fans (RED FLAG)

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