Cookie Thread Act 3: The Cookie Strikes Back

This sounds like you are selling drugs

if i see an eternamax with a healing move i just forfeit. it’s not worth it

i’ve never seen sturdinja. but you do see wonder guard a nontrivial amount of times!

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it’s even more annoying in gen 9 because tera changes your wincon against it to something else you can’t possibly account for (not that you can really account for wonder guard anyway)

why gay

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odds of Wonder Guard are a lot higher than odds of Random Sturdinja since Wonder Guard just requires you to get a specific ability whereas Sturdinja requires you to get a specific Pokémon and a specific ability for that Pokémon

you do also get mons with no attacking moves a lot. they’re best used by using their status moves as well as you possibly can, or, failing that, using them as scouts (since scouts are waaay more important in a meta where everything is completely random)

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that being said if i see that i have multiple mons without attacking moves i will probably just forfeit on the spot


My teeth hurt one day when I was like 16 and I went to the dentist and they were like “lol wisdom teeth. Want them out?” and I said yea so I had all 4 removed and that was just done forever

there’s a shocking amount of strategy considering how entirely random the meta is


me being sent out knowing i only exist to do nothing and die


there are literally pokemon in the actual meta like this

my innards out pyukumuku being sent out with the full knowledge that it’s here purely to gruesomely die and kamikaze ruin my opponent’s sweep


im gonna name my scout pokemon benguined parbecue


there’s actually a lot of strategy to hackmons cup because information comes at a premium. you have to decide whether you want to reveal your more reliable 100% accuracy move that you know will get a kill or if you want to keep doing what you’re doing and bait your opponent into switching something in that gets owned by said 100% accuracy move

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this is arguably somewhat true in the actual meta too but mos of the time people have a broad baseline expectation of what your move possibilities are. so it’s mostly just for like what exactly your moveslot that’s up to decision is

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if u have a wooloo u should name it eliza. she always gets distracted and stares blankly like a sheep

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what should i name you after

