Cookie Thread Act 3: The Cookie Strikes Back

be dreamer in s&v just ported to a teensie (very balanced)
get neighbor as artist or no dashii
ask for their claim
they claim artist
trust them because obviously i wouldn’t get a sober result on a no dashii
snake charmer claims a n0 greencheck on a 4th player
push out the 5th and final player by poe
game ends
they were vortox
my neighbor was cerenovus who just happened to claim artist and made “snake charmer” mad
mfw i solve the game off of completely wrong information




arete straight up pointed out before the next game that it would be evilsided. there was evil twin and fang gu in a 5p. you’d think it would be impossible for the good team to win this. and yet


apparently i am too polarized for vc botc. unfortunate!

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it’s literally the same evil voice problem may keeps talking about. everyone was like “wow benguined upward laughs at the end of his sentence when he’s evil” and i just said “what the fuck is this voice astrology involuntary upward laugh.” i realized in that moment it was over


I really want to be able to run two-minion games for Quizbowlcord but unfortunately we can’t even reliably get seven players, let alone ten

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the first game was luf where i pushed my bullshit until day 5 when everything went wrong. day 5 was a lot of yelling


people were advocating to mute me throughout day 5. i consider that to violate my freedom of speech (i was being very loud about an obviously wrong world which no one actually believed)

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(the person i was pushing is also vocally polarized. fucking apparently)

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Nah, we sprung from the Earth.


rate my Teensy


actually Barber might be too evil-sided, maybe I should replace it with Mutant?

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This was the game where benguined was my Minion, and I pushed them out thinking the Minion was someone else.

you didn’t even put no dashii in either game. me when i lie

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yeah this is for future use

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Arete tells us ported S&V is heavily evil-sided.

We kill the Demon N1 in both games.

Arete exposed???


by convention Teensies only have one Demon option, forced-No-Dashii seems like the most in the spirit of S&V if you have to force something


the meta has become too polarized

No dashii so at best 6/10

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we know each other’s social tells it’s already over

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