Cookie Thread Act 3: The Cookie Strikes Back

did the teacher policy you for the ate


What did they ate for breakfast?

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I like to imagine that the tone got higher when reading this



a shnya

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Not yet!

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Man I miss on-site RPs


Lets just rp in cookie thread

Prompt: owlm houese

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I don’t know owlm houese!

Ok fine

You walk into the cabin at the end of the road. The door was left unlocked, the the man inside, Daren, has been expecting you for some time.

“Finally! Come in, have a seat. The fire doesn’t have much time left and I’d rather not spare the rest of my firewood”

“Helllooooo, I am finally glaaaad to seeee you.”

“quiet voice it’s a bit scary at night, as you could tell.”

“Yes, there’s actually been wolves about at night. I’ve found a number of corpses littered around the property, some half eaten, some fresh, some sti-
Ah, but that’s a tale for another time. Like I mentioned in my letter, I have a favor to ask you.” Daron hestiatws slightly on the word favor, and looks slighty to his side.


“meow nya purr”


Suddenly, the wise owl shows up and screams “Hey, this is my house!” You then suddenly remember that owls are carnivores and that the wise owl is also very strong. How do you proceed?



"I didn’t know
 you had so many invitĂ©es over, haha

“You’re right muffin. Go fetch yourself a treat.”


“Oh shit, it’s the owl in the house! This was the favor I needed to ask of you, quick do something!”

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“Mate, this is not even your cabin? I think I am going to have a heart attack?!?”

You think you’re doomed, but then you hear a voice yell out “did someone say ‘in the house’?” You look up to find Cory Baxter, challenging the owl to DDR for the rights to Alaska (and also your life i guess).


Daron hides behind the chair he was sitting in.

“The house may not be mine but we needed to be here to lay a trap on the owl! I thought it’d be gone all night! It eats people! HELP!”

Daron starts sobbing, the owl has ledt him eith traumatic memories