Cookie Thread Act 3: The Cookie Strikes Back

youre also supposed to tell mods when you make a hydra account but ive never done this ever


doxxing me is easy mode because I never shut up about myself and donā€™t care about internet privacy, you can think of it like the fun and easy warm-up activity


uhm nya katze can you set my title to say itā€™s @Zugzwang and @spookycat27 on this account :flushed:

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hydras are so much nicer here. in tosfm and its offshoot communities it was always 2 accounts and always modded hydra chats

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Alright, Iā€™m incredibly sorry, but I forgot you existed.

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if hydra chats were modded here i think my life wouldā€™ve went a diff direction tbh

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tbf weā€™ve only played 1 game together

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that being said i did take large part in killing you that game nya nya nya


can a mod set my title to + May


some fun extra-credit ways to doxx* me using non-public information that Iā€™ve stated somewhere:

  • use the name of my childhood church, which is also the church where my dad works, to hunt down some church bulletins and find my dadā€™s name, work from there
    • if you go back far enough you can also get my legal name but that seems harder
  • use the things Iā€™ve said about my high school to track down old board packets for my high school, several of which identify me
  • social engineer one of the people Iā€™ve sent stickers to into giving you the name on the return address. this is also not my name but itā€™s usable to find my name

* in this case I am using this to mean ā€œidentify my legal name,ā€ I acknowledge that you could also use it to mean ā€œidentify my addressā€ or any number of other things


I did the alt thing with my stalker friend but not as a hydra

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scavenger hunt

I was gonna say ā€œshit where do you go to get my legal name from my momā€™s, she doesnā€™t Post about usā€ but you can probably get my dadā€™s legal name off her somewhere and then go through my grandmotherā€™s obituary

bed time. toodle doo

Read: blackmail.

Honestly the alting was more morally questionable than the stalking. Stalking directly harms nobody so long as the information isnā€™t compromised (I had absolute trust in this friend and she could find the info without me, but it made it much riskier if either of our Discord accounts were to be compromised), but on alts weā€™d like use it to anonymously get honest opinions of ourselves from our friends

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I tried to get them to be mean to me behind my back so many times and they never did it and it was so fucking disappointing

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This means the morally optimal alt isnone with a personality so dry nobody can possibly befriend it

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