Cookie Thread Act 3: The Cookie Strikes Back


I never had her but from what i heard she was like a super shit teacher as well so it checks out

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If I was professor, I’d give kids their exam to grade themselves.

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fun fact: eliza was born on sylveon day


can you just do a bunch of those until you have an A


She was also only teaching at our school for like, a year or two(?) before that happened so

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was your collar always red or am i tripping



no it has become red again to celebrate new life


My mandarin professor who is 4 years younger than me told me I got a 94 on the recent exam. I was talking to her after class about the question I thought I got wrong. She took out the exam to show me what I missed, and the question I told her about that I was incorrect on, she accidentally marked correct. So she took my grade down to a 91



it was red and then i made her profile picture black and white to kill her and then she got banned (plausibly correlated events) and now shes unbanned so she is alive again

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if i got out of real person jail id probably also get myself a red collar as a reward


Yeah it just takes a bit

if my teacher gave me points on something they shouldn’t have they’re not finding out. i’m grading you and your grade is giving me free points


super cringe
If a teacher grades wrong they gotta stick by that if they gave you a higher grade. If they give u a lower one tho its fair game to change


when I was in school i had a teacher who, over a decade prior, already had an incident with my sister over her having a pink jacket. although she was alright other than the crippling anxiety of being asked random questions in class
the home economics teachers were straight up evil though like they hated you and themselves. I had one teacher who repeatedly just fucking took off. Like she was just known for doing this. There was never a reason to my knowledge other than she just went off somewhere. This happened at the start of every year. This was the best home economics teature


Simulates your wife leaving you!

I mean she hadn’t put in grades yet, she was telling us about the exam we took on Monday. It’s fair for her to give me the grade I deserved


I had another home economics teacher who, after someone threw smth at me and I made a loud noise, held us both back after class and explained that One Day we will try to get a job and we will use our teachers as references and when we ask she will get to tell them all about how bad we were. Reader I was 12


Reminds me of a professor I had that just hated everyone, so when the major project grades came out, the average was a 55 (out of 100, which is nuts), and a week later, the professor manually lowered everyone’s grades by an average of 15 points, and then proceeded to publicly threaten the TA’s if they “dont meet his standards for grading” that he will fire them