Cookie Thread Act 3: The Cookie Strikes Back

maybe i just need to experience joy. maybe thats my issue

I have 36,876 total tumblr notes in the 6ish months i’ve had tumblr. One of which is jan Misali.

Average of 104 notes/post

I think jan Misali reblogged my Poast? I know Sarah Z did

these are words. people and words

What teams did good in special games I can’t htink of any. I mostly play vanilla ones

the insomnia is getting to me tonight

ok time to speedrun terraria

Anyone in this chat deathly bored on a large scale or just me

I went to the subreddit to find your post and I was like “wtf, this is funny and not Jakecore at all” (then I realized that it’s been a few hours and Probably your post was actually the one below it posted by u/Marissssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssanumbersgohere)


I’m not playing MAFIA

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oh no all the setups are nerd reviewed now. hope fol doesn’t like FUN

I need both short-term and long-term entertainment. I have plenty of short-term entertainment. But currently no long-term entertainment (mafia games, classes, etc)

what was it

scroll up a few posts

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“head reviewer” doesn’t mean I review all the setups it means I … yell at other people to review setups, and decide if we need to fire people? I think?


yeah im 90% sure it means literally nothing

right now we don’t need to fire people we need to hire people

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this time for sure! 50% is an exemplary success rate among fol reviewers right