Cookie Thread Act 3: The Cookie Strikes Back

It was maybe mildly petty to complain to ModMail about that being unprofessional but I’m nothing if not petty

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not like it’s close to the most unprofessional nintendo loop mods have ever been

I don’t get it. I get in trouble for giving “unprompted” criticism to hosts (the host literally asked for it but they were like Well implicitly you shouldn’t been able to tell they actually didn’t want criticism because after you gave the criticism they cried over it, which is like. Skill issue) and I apply for a position to give prompted criticism to hosts. It’s a healthy outlet


I’m the most qualified bitch in this server I’m so good at criticising setup choices you hate me for it


In general I am extremely frustrated by people who do these things. Not so much getting upset itself, that’s their problem that they can work on that doesn’t hurt me, but pushing the blame for that outsized response onto other people and trying to make out their sensitivity to rejection to be the fault of someone giving, like, a normal level of criticism, or politely turning them down on something, or not going out of their way to give praise. I especially am frustrated by the fact that so many people often seem to accept that blame unquestionably, and that contesting the blame will naturally further upset the person and therefore make you more “guilty” in their eyes.



pomni :)

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I can’t navigate that shit. I cannot. I am capable of normal levels of politeness but I despise when people lie to me about anything of even remote importance and so I myself will not lie to people about anything of even remote importance. If I explicitly asked for criticism on my mafia setup and someone lied to me and said it was perfect because they didn’t want to hurt my feelings I would be so mad at them. I don’t want to do that to other people.

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If you ask for honest criticism you will get it. And twofold for being upset or hurt over, like, interpersonal shit. If I’m making someone upset or uncomfortable I want them to fucking tell me. And if you’re making me upset or uncomfortable I will fucking tell you. Anything less is disrespectful of both of our time and feelings. Go autism



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I’ve only said nya one time today, I’m improving.


You sure?

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see this is why i quit


I was a reviewer at one point a long time ago but then I just Stopped Reviewing and I don’t remember actually being good at reviewing

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i feel like id make a good reviewer bc im good at getting tasks and stuff like that done but at the same time i have literally no idea how to balance setup i just kinda go by vibes


they will take you


I think I’m kind of good at looking at individual things and going that’s bullshit that’s no fun for the person playing it. But I have never reviewed setups before so it’s scary

I’m better at nitpicking stuff and interactions rather than giving concrete reasoning as to why stuff is balanced

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I wanted ot start out at Loop cause I have a lot of “common-sense” mafia experience that average person there doesn’t have and I think that’s a major contribution to review team but. Again, nya, rejected


how did it go