Cookie Thread Act 3: The Cookie Strikes Back

Its not like your starting a crusade I dont get it

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A Murder Puzzle - Getting Started

In common with a number of other activities on this site, Murder Play is based on the work of our favourite philosopher, Judith Jarvis Thomson. Probably you’ll be pleased to hear that this time it doesn’t involve trolleys. However, it does involve a surgeon, and a murder, so that’s exciting; and it won’t take very long, so click the button below to get started.

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what rule



One of da rules

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Am I well-adjusted

Moral Judgement 1 of 2

Okay, we’re going to start by asking you to make a judgement about what it is that makes an act morally permissible (or not).

Does an assessment of whether some act is morally worse than another act, settle the question of what it is morally permissible for an agent to do? So, for example, given a choice between only two acts, x and y, where x is morally worse than y, does the fact that x is morally worse than y settle the question of what it is permissible to do (i.e., so in this instance, it would only be permissible to do y, the less worse act).

Important: You don’t need to worry that if you respond “Yes” you’re going to get caught out because of some trickery to do with bad consequences. In other words, if you respond “Yes”, you’re not going to get into difficulties because of thoughts about sitautions such as where inflicting more rather than less pain, for example, avoids some horrible outcome, because one can quite consistently argue that in such a situation inflicting less pain would be the morally worse action (and, therefore, to be avoided), precisely because it would have horrible consequences.

Yes, it does settle the question of what it is permissible to do
No, it does not settle the question of what it is permissible to do

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oh you are gaslighting me ok i get it lmao

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bro wtf is this, why is it 3 paragraphs

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It’s one of da rules I’m not going to list the rule because they would require me to find them but I know it’s there

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Big difference between friends I love and a random kid I don’t give a shit about. Also it has always been this way so there was no development. I may not have clarified this well enough here but at least two of the five best friends I’ve ever had are currently my colleagues, and I’m desperate to keep them from quitting.


First fol to answer chooses our path

Im gonna choose to believe you are gaslighting me

ethical dilemmas thread

fuck it B

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No its actually a rule
No discussion of religion

Okay, well that’s a somewhat counterintuitive response. If you are confronted by a situation where you will inevitably cause pain, but you can choose whether it’s a small amount or a large amount, then, in constrast to your response, it does rather seem as if the fact that it is morally worse to inflict a large amount of pain as opposed to a small amount (assuming it is a fact) settles what it is morally permissible to do - namely, only inflict a small amount of pain. Of course, it is possible that in different circumstances this would not be the case, so let’s see how this plays out.

Moral Judgement 2 of 2

Is killing five innocent people morally worse than killing one innocent person? (Note: Assume that all other things are equal here. So, for example, it’s not going to turn out that by killing the five people, you’re going to save the universe, or save the five from some unimaginably awful future horror, or cause the cancellation of the X factor, or anything like that).

Yes, killing five innocent people is worse than killing one innocent person
No, killing five innocent people is not worse than killing one innocent person

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This question is way too abstract

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why is that a thing

This is the trolly proglem disguised

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