Cookie Thread Act 3: The Cookie Strikes Back

Yeah I value my job more then any relationship from anyone I know at work. I do have a close set of friends that I have known for over a decade that I would do anything for, but other then that, job comes first

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In my opinion this is not a problem and there was way too much corner-cutting and timewasting permitted in the past. If the team has good chemistry they can still have a good time and fun conversations the whole shift while working hard


Philosophy quiz time letā€™s go

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Have you said what industry you are in btw?

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Talking with God

Hello, Iā€™m God. Bet you didnā€™t expect to be talking to me on the interweb (unless, perhaps, your name is Neale Donald Walshe). I wonder if youā€™re one of those insufferable new atheist types? If so, I reckon youā€™re probably feeling a bit daft right now!

I think Iā€™d better get something clear before we start. I see myself as being a God in the Abrahamic tradition of God(s). What does this mean? Well, letā€™s put it this way, if you think that God is just another word for nature, or that Iā€™m actually a pink bunny, or somesuch, then probably this activity isnā€™t for you.

Anyhow, letā€™s get to it. Itā€™s been drawn to my attention - by myself! - that a long time ago a fellow named Euthyphro got into a muddle, and ever since there has been some confusion about my nature. So I thought Iā€™d ask you a few questions - you know, to see if we can get things straight.

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Iā€™m trying not to have to choose. To me the two are hopelessly linked currently unfortunately. Having to develop professional relationships from scratch would be excruciating for me especially as the pressure continues to mount on all of us.


sanest philosophy quiz


Crew manager at white castle


Yes that makes sense then, team unity is very valuable

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It occurs to me that this quiz may emproach on religious aspects so maybe I should go with another quiz


whats wrong with that lmao

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can we get two cookie thread locks in one thread?


The mods may ban me


For what?

Being banned is my least favorite activity I must say


Gonna go to school part time in August to finish my mechanical engineering bachelorā€™s but Iā€™ve already worked it out with my boss where I can do all my lectures the same days and then come run overnight shift the other days. This is mainly for learningā€™s sake so I plan to go full time again when I graduate since I still love my job so much

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I love being banned


Talking about religion


ā€¦ but whyā€¦

Against da rules we are doing a new one

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