Cookie Thread Act 3: The Cookie Strikes Back

the killing vs letting die distinction is fake btw


But not if you do the next quiz

You’re taking part in a quiz show where you’re going to win either a Ferrari or a goat. You’d prefer the Ferrari. This is non-negotiable. You may be the world’s greatest lover of all things goat, but in this instance you want to win the Ferrari.

You will be presented with three closed doors. Behind one door is the car, behind the other two, goats - the goats that you don’t want to win. The placement of car and goats has been randomly determined. There is no trickery involved here. The host of the quiz, the eponymous Monty Hall, will ask you to choose a door. He will then open one of the two remaining doors. There are three pertinent facts here. 1) Monty knows what is behind each door. 2) He will always reveal a goat when he opens the door. 3) He has no preference for any particular goat or door.

The question you have to answer is whether or not you increase your chances of winning the Ferrari by switching your original choice to the remaining unopened door.

So to repeat:

  • There are three doors, one has a Ferrari behind it, the other two, goats.
  • You choose a door.
  • Monty, having no preference for any particular goat or door, will open one of the two doors you haven’t chosen, revealing a goat.
  • This will leave two doors still closed, the door you originally chose, and the door that Monty could have chosen to open, but didn’t.
  • One of these two remaining doors has a goat behind it, the other a Ferrari.
  • Will you increase your chance of winning the Ferrari if you switch from your original choice, and ask Monty to open the other door?

To make your choice, select one of the options below, then click the Submit button!

Switch - I’m going to increase my chances of winning if I switch.
Don’t Switch - There are two doors, one has a goat, the other a car. It makes no difference if I switch. It’s a fifty-fifty chance.

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this is literally the monty hall problem. the answer is switch


everyone knows this one

(no but can we like actually not)

switch wooo

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this is a scam ethical dilemma but I won’t do any heavy hitters

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what even are the ethics

wtf, scam

arguably if you want to limit your carbon footprint it’s more ethical to get the goat


Well that’s a bold choice. You think that switching doors will increase your chance of winning the Ferrari. That’s certainly a counterintuitive view. It seems like we’re in a fifty-fifty situation here, so it’s not clear why switching would help. But I suppose we ought to check it out, so here’s what we’re going to do.

You’re going to play a series of games against a computer opponent who will decline to switch doors when they’re asked. If you do significantly better than them, then we’ll have good reason to suppose that you were right to think that switching doors is the best strategy.


Is it ethically permissible to switch in the Monty Hall problem



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why is your philosophy class even talking about the monty hall problem


that should be for like. a game theory course




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