Cookie Thread Act 3: The Cookie Strikes Back

ngl I have so little knowledge of physics (despite taking AP physics nya nya nya)

I mean I do a lot of things, but mainly I work with AI and technology on predicting stock futures and the like

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every time physics comes up in math I go :crying_cat_face:

Im in lower management, so I basically got to do everything everyone else cant do

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the physics majors have consistently had a better idea of what’s going on in my diff eqs courses than the math majors


it would be funnier if i actually knew anything about pdes after 6 weeks (entirely my fault)

Physics is literally applied applied math lmao

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basically suit and tie

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all pdes has done is confirmed that i’m NOT going into differential equations (how much of this is lingering trauma from my terrible odes class is yet to be determined)

You’re awesome by the way. I’m probably not hosting again this year unless eevee finds time to finish the jrpg I put him on but your performance in RM5 was masterful and now I find out you’re just as fun to talk with as you are skilled as a player. So thank u


Im really bad at taking complements but thanks :slight_smile:

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I have yet to take diff eq (maybe next semester)
is it interesting nya nya nya

I liked it yea

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Awesome clsas


I’m going to be killed for this


Discrete was fun to

Awesome class if you don’t have the professor benguined had

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Yes the classes vary a TON based on professor

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May is just so immediately killable

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Mine had illegible handwriting and I didn’t listen to a word he said except when he said he couldn’t bring his dogs into class because of the “communist-fascist” state of New York having laws against it