Cookie Thread Act 3: The Cookie Strikes Back

Its why you need to talk with upperclassmen to find out which professors are dope and which suck

any answer i could possibly give would be biased by the fact that my particular odes class was so bad


My diff eq lacking partial diffs was the only thing that caused umich to reject my transfer. Still sad about that

My worst professor was in Machine Learning

I came into that class hoping to code stuff and have fun, but noooo, it was all hella theoretical math

i have no animosity for the professor as a person. but man. quizzes every other week is NOT good for the psyche. neither are lectures straight out of the book when they’re not even any better explained

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and like it was BAD

Isnt quizzes every other week good?

i often questioned why i showed up to that class and at a certain point it was just because i didn’t want the professor to think any less of me

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The norm for me was weekly at my uni

tests every other week. did i say quizzes. i meant like. full on multipage tests

Oh we had quizzes every week at 8AM…

Georgia Tech was alright but our marching band was depressing as shit we couldn’t win a game to save our lives. Choosing to go there instead of in state was really stupid but I never would have acted differently at the time so it’s fine


i still vividly remember the one test where the next day the professor emailed us to announce that he was giving out a take home makeup test that was just an easier version of that test

Yeah that’d do it

Oh yea no thats BAD

Yea I could have gone there, but they wanted me to pay full price and I was like naw

how did you have time in class to do things

My Physics II professors refuse to use the words clockwise and counterclockwise

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