Cookie Thread Act 3: The Cookie Strikes Back

i dont think itll stop them because [REDACTED]


im so bad and washed though

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Fine, but again im 1600 so like your gonna curb stomp

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and im more washed

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It’s not even the part where you’re not eating. At first you just feel weird and sharp and kind of dizzy and like. Fake energy. Like caffeine. And then once that runs out you’re tired as fuck and can’t get out of bed. These things are pleasant and unpleasant but they’re not the bad part.

The bad part is starting to eat like any reasonable amount after it’s gotten bad enough that you can’t move anymore. After too long on an empty stomach eating more than like a couple crumbs will make you violently ill. And you have to work your way up to a normal amount of food and if you make even one misstep it’s terrible


I mean after not eating for long enough all the normal signs of hunger just vanish


i cannot understate that this is literally (part of) the plot of omori


So it’s hard to judge what is “not being hungry” and what is insufficient eating


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I didn’t realize it was that bad

I have an unusually small appetite and an unusually bad reaction to overeating so I get it BAD

It’s like when you have a stomach flu and you have to kind of work your way up to eating again. At the tail end of it the problem isn’t the nausea, it’s that you’ve spent ages not eating and now you have to start again

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I don’t think I’ve had any flu thtbhtbthbthbthb

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Damn fucked up

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You’re literally like fellow bulgarian tutu

But yeah uh not eating enough was a useful lesson in why to never do that to myself ever again. I can’t stop you from anything but be careful


If you’re eating sufficiently under what you need to function, your body just shuts off functions! Like movement!


Now another useful thing to do is resume on your physical exercises, May!

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To be fair I stopped my own physical exercises, I will start today!!! You better do too, I will keep bothering you about it as you’re in most need of it!!

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Alright alright I’ll do them