Cookie Thread Act 3: The Cookie Strikes Back

Pinkie promise and don’t you cross yourself

Caffeine is a tool to be utilized when necessary. I need it kind of often, but my work schedule also forces me to stay up 20-30 hours 2-3 times per week. 90% of people should not be using caffeine like I do.

I work mostly overnights but I have to work every monday morning when we receive our frozen and dry product delivery from the warehouse as I am the only loyal worker capable of all that lifting physically (~1,000 packages averaging 30lb apiece)

I work Saturday night and then am always off Sundays, but Sundays I donate platelets at the red cross early in the morning and then have to buy groceries. Monday’s always a long day that starts by 3am and lasts until 10pm when I get home from my weekly board game meetup. Then I go on a marathon Monday night and have to stay up to get back onto vampire mode to run tuesday overnight shift. My other off day later in the week I also need to stay up for to take care of any sort of appointments with my therapist or otherwise as that’s the only day I’m awake for the business day.

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ok ngl I had been tempted to try not eating but I will. not try that nya nya nya

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hi nya

May “positive influence on the youth” May


i am extrapolating that all stem majors are like this. except for solo math majors. obviously.


You do admirable things


Hey I figured out not eating is bad through experimental methods. It was very scientific


And technology and engineering and math


And now I’m sharing my findings with the cookie thread


that being said I’ve heard not eating carbs is fine but you will feel terrible until your body adapts

like what?

not eating?

My dad’s side of the family has like. Fast metabolisms and eats a lot. And my mom’s side has slower metabolisms and eats less. I think I kind of got a bit of each and that’s why I’m like this


I can’t eat much at once but I still need a normal amount of food

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You can adapt to many things. Doesn’t mean it’s wise

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The May Special: getting a plate of dinner, eating a quarter of it, putting it in the fridge, taking it out an hour or two later to eat another quarter, putting it away again, coming back an hour later to eat another q

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I hate leftovers lmao

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