Cookie Thread Act 3: The Cookie Strikes Back

Definitely scum performance of the year so far. Well done

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Oh yea I was so glad I was picked. That and banking on otter being the traitor

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Plus getting plausible deniability on Dum as well

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when the cookie is thread

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Otter failed to act for like two nights lol

oh wow rip

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She made another PM outside of her role thread saying like “hey guys, I’m not sure yet, but I might end up needing a replacement” but then she ended up starting to play

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Yea that was fortunate imo, helped get under the radar

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otters a she



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Pronouns why :sob:

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My bad sorry

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specifically on that account, i think
its also it on pandora

Plus on Discord.

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I miss moleland. More than i did before Minority Rule. Would be interested to see their take on this new game

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It’s mostly dumb luck but not completely. Along the way you need to find a balance between collecting talismans and selecting what you believe will be the perceived as the shittiest option that might (keyword “might”) permit survival

I got stupidly lucky early on that I was randomly picking the rooms with talismans at least half the time without reading the game and at least at the start most players torpedoed themselves at the most powerful doors

It’s probably mostly dumb luck for the first half but much less so later on

Ends of days 5 and 6 were incredible

That last pick (for me) was brutal. I think it’s possible I would have died no matter where I went? If Zug is right about the “tied for minority” rule. I obviously could’ve played smarter to get other people to change rooms but I declared it too much work

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