Cookie Thread Act 3: The Cookie Strikes Back

Neutral was fine yeah


The neutral was specifically designed to like. Not be able to be claimed and won with. Like it was pretty good at that job. And Yet



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As town I’m fine with neutrals winning if I can guaratee my side winning as well
but that’s only if our goals are both mutually beneficial and I don’t need to do any fancy side steps that could make my faction lose
like if all the wolves were known

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At some point it’s your problem not mine

I was like “we don’t have to hand this player the win, you know, like it wasn’t a good play to shoot the wolf giving up all leverage you have to negotiate with town, they didn’t Earn This, they made a very bad choice” & the response was “well we’re giving them the win now so seems like it was actually a good play :)@

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i like letting neutrals win if possible because like. they’re often given an unrealistic wincon


Yeah like I’ll help a neutral win if it’s perpendicular to my wincon but I am not throwing out 1.5 misexes in order to make somebody else win?


Mafia played pretty well open wolfing so that when pushed they could break game integrity and cause villagers to self destruct so they can win


Oh yeah and then the other VT target left the server because people were throwing and everyone went “well it’s an empty slot so it’s gonna be modkilled anyway so there’s no harm in voting it out :)”


Like there was a neutral who needed to be healed every two nights
I was the neutral and won
It was stressful though

But I offered benefits such as “hey if you visit me you literally are healed as well which means you won’t die and that’s pretty cool”
and that’s a neutral I’m like “ok sure you can live”

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this is peak 3p design btw


I do agree that the players definitely gamethrew
but iirc they only had one shot to kill the Mafia? and they just lost if they missed?
which definitely feels wrong; i feel like it would’ve been better to, once you’ve used your shot, like. be able to kill them in a different way, or something

idk tho

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peak indeed

note that this wincon is not only mostly out of the player’s control, but requires the mafia to eat shit

We had outed wolves so it wasn’t that bad… like they could’ve easily just demanded town vote out a VT target in exchange for them shooting wolf that night, and it would’ve been beneficial for both parties


it’s better to kill the wolf in the day and string them along tbf

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like how fol inquisitor has to vote out one of their targets OR kill them at night using their ability

maybe that was cod

yeah upon thinking about it the neutral wincon there seems very difficult

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