Cookie Thread Act 3: The Cookie Strikes Back

oh yeah I was wondering
when you were like ‘yeah litten and arctic caught me on this thing in fam3’
was that a real tell


my strategy is just telling myself “i’ll join a game if the playerlist is good enough” thats an easy way to not sign up


if you’re still alive at this point as bg then clearly you’re not a very good one so the misexe was your fault actually

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I mean yeah it was what they caught me on. It’s a tell I’m aware of and so one I actively try to avoid


what if people just didn’t tell you your tells :flushed:


Litten has tried this, I harass them until they do


I think I’m polarized
But then wolves push me at the end and I lose wim
And the one time I decided not to I was scumread for it :joy:

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“may is sus. I will not explain because then they will fix it and I want them to be polarized. it’s my dreams and visions just trust me”

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Loser girl

Its ur fault. Feel bad

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I generally think it’s extremely unsporting to refuse to admit why you’re wolfreading someone to cash in on those same tells later


There a non may person who I actually have a really good read on now and I’m waiting to snipe them in a future game


Because I actively try to note down all my tells and avoid them it makes it very easy to in later games go “look, I’m not doing X tell, I’m town” and everyone except Pandora buys this

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I know their exact tell and I will bury them until they fix the tell I won’t tell them.

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Why not me :’(


i dont have tells

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reading someone as wolf and then not explaining why “because you have a tell” is a really easy way for your read to get entirely discredited and forgotten


They call them “tells” because you are “telling” everyone you are mafia by openwolfing and winning anyway


It’s not that hard to bullshit stuff early on anyway to get a more accurate read on people

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i consider that a differnet hting from what may is talking about tho, i do that and it works very well


Anyway if I ever admit to having a kind of “problem” or “issue” or “emotion” in a game and I’m not clearly under extreme stress I’m such a wolf I’m the biggest wolf in the world

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