Cookie Thread Act 3: The Cookie Strikes Back

Okay here’s a topic for cookie thread

Every mafia game is a different discrete entity and you should play to win that singular mafia game the best you possibly can, pretending it is the last game of your life and pulling out all the stops, and this should continue into the future indefinitely

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-w!me pushing a mischop on you probably

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What are peoples opinions on trust tells

I have secret tells on all of u and im not sharing them



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What are peoples definitions of them.

i literally just ignore them

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Yeah I mean like as soon as I loudly announce a tell to everyone it’s WIFOM land when I proceed to actually do it. Little is subconscious

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i play no mafia games like this

trust tells are things that you deliberately do only as town while making blatantly clear that you only do them as town right? they’re banned for a reason


Yeah I don’t usually play mafia games day one so that advice seems rather bad

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i like to play games assuming people dont cheat and if youre conscious enough of it to call it a trust tell its either cheating or something you could fake


People accuse me of being trusttelly often when I’m town and like losing my mind and every time I say “no I would fake this as wolf” and nobody believes me. Then in a later game I fake it as wolf and they all go :000

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well. ok maybe wolfgames arguably. but in towngames I could probably reveal 1000 meta tells but I do not want to make myself insanely polarized

i recognize that the line between deliberate and just being really polarized can at times be a fine one. but usually it’s pretty open and shut as to whether something is a trust tell or not



hi magnus

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These have been noted. This reminds me I need to update the food Wikipedia.

ngl though when I first started playing mafia I was like “is it throwing to not do this”