Cookie Thread Act 3: The Cookie Strikes Back

i vowed to myself that i would never play botc. this is separate from the not playing mafia thing but it’s a vow i don’t intend to break

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I don’t evne think the difficult-to-fake things make me good they’re just irritating

Hey mangos so I am currently in a game of Tower (with peeps from DGS) I think I have an idea how to structure the necro RP game after a bit, though I still have to experience it to know more

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I can wish you the greatest of luck.

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Just do what I would do.

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Now for the one about Fear Eve I decided to scrap it :see_no_evil:.

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I love this post so much

ive never read house of leaves but i assume that its just like this

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The house was swept away!

Here’s a post for normal people if you did’t like htat one

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alternatively this is terraria to me

I used to be the normal one. In terms of doing weird shit because online friends said to. Once I woke up to the entire group chat eating lotion

None of you have this spirit and so only I eat candles and bite my own finger and such

eating. lotion.

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I made fun of them for ages afterward

Look at me now

This is normal.

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I’m so normal