Cookie Thread Act 3: The Cookie Strikes Back

So that means BOTC doesn’t rot my brain.

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i thought that im too slow and with this tera stuff i can get rly screwed. so many pokemon run tera ghost. most of the time when i clicked bulk up i lost. im not used to it it requires a big brain


tutuu you could’ve run terrakion for the 2 hours it was pu legal. it would’ve been funny




this was terrakion in the same tier as plusle and minun


why are plusle and minun even in pu their defenses are too bad to even be utility

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they just came back in dlc2 and were only allowed to drop as low as pu in the first tier shift

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the real question is how is rampardos ru. i can at least see bastiodon nu as people thinking body press would magically make it good

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ok that tracks

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Not big on Catholicism broadly but I gotta say they did well with “blessed are those who are persecuted for the sake of righteousness”. One of my top values

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head smash off a 165 attack stat probably

yes but it’s had that every gen and has never been good

gen 9 is irreparably broken having a literal baseball bat is actually a valid strategy now

i looked at rampardos’s gen 7 smogon set and it runs ice beam. showdown players are something else

yesterday i discovered the klutz trick sticky barb golurk set from gen 8

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it even uses rock slide over head smash what are you using rampardos for if not as a nuke

i feel like this could almost work if knock off weren’t omnipresent and sticky barb didn’t transfer on contact

this is scary


i guess it’s not running any contact moves. good one

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