Cookie Thread Act 3: The Cookie Strikes Back

there is a subtle om nom nom sound effect after she bites the enemy

I am so happy. My boy got recognition

Only tier 2 but still

she’s probably going to be one of those 00 ids that are a 00 in name but are clearly way fucking stronger than that like 7 ryoshu

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because there’s a 99% chance she is self heal

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also we have confirmation magic bullet outis WILL be killing the sinners, the enemies and herself in that order

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If meat lantern is op. I am ok with this. Gives me so much more reason to use them

this is funny because you are talking like a normal person and i am probably incomprehensible to anyone who hasn’t put at least 50 hours into the game

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you can see outis facepalming in the background while don fucks with the flower

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We love the funny flower

I do like how she also has the ego gift of two other abno’s
The drawing one and the sheep one

fragments from somewhere and engulfing dream

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There we go

there is an entirely real possibility now that yesod announcer will be a thing and we can have yesod harass us for the entire battle

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This happened like 3 months ago

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Get with the times story smh

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what if there was a can of soup

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it really makes you think

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I don’t agree

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Not thinking RN

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