Cookie Thread Act 3: The Cookie Strikes Back

Heart palpitations

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thanks so its probably not just me
that helps

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its still annoying that it just. is background noise whenever i stop watching youtube

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I just accidently took my night time medicine
Well today will be interesting

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No idea what will happen last time I did it was clondine and I felt drugged the entire day but not sure about this

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Kingā€™s engineā€¦you strike fear into your enemies.

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Iā€™m always saying this

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Live footage of snowee

I am learning alot about driving

this is actual psychological horror to me, probably due to my past
its morbidly interesting to read even if i dont know how correct it is

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lets go ! back in utah for another 3 hour utahsesh!


i didnt see THIS

Torture is awesome and super effective do it all the time Considered improper donā€™t do it wink wink


psychological torture is scaryyyyyyyyyyy
i havent been tortured exactly but its been very parallel to that, just more mild
my psychological damage is only partially irreversible

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It is incredible what is fucking hastily scribbled out in this manual itā€™s so funny


more mild and the people who were trying to were not skilled torturers as much as just bullies

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law more like SKILL ISSUE

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Hey guys I feel fine now


the ninetales was not very high level
her special attack wasnt high enough to cause so much irreversible psychological damage as to render me nonfunctional

trying to express a list of things you approve of without overtly mentioning specific things which would probably count as slander

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