Cookie Thread Act 3: The Cookie Strikes Back

I still don’t get how they were executed over a mafia.

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Just like Luka getting eliminated as town cop in stellaris mash


I still don’t get how they were executed over… oh wait the other three wagons were town too

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I think the words “clean sweep” were said in that wolfchat on N1

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famous last words before the backup gets shot first

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To be fair her cat did actually like that post

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man imagine getting outed by your CAT. i’m sure you’ve never experienced that before conspicuously looks away from litten


It is very funny for the backup to get shot first and the person they swapped roles with to endgame

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I had finals so I wasn’t really able to do any pregame wolfchat coordination and I do kick myself for not catching that. People don’t execute me when I’m a wolf

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person who has lost many wolf games

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I haven’t been executed as wolf since FAM3*. I haven’t been not executed as town since FAM3. You all have perfect inaccuracy on me

*Litten’s game was flipless and I was the Emperor so I did get executed to guarantee a dead wolf but people thought I was likely town and they did until the game ended

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I haven’t lost as wolf since FAM3

That’s 6 wolfgames*

*counting 2 BotFs

you have italy to thank i think

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People just do not know how to read me I guess

Yeah I fully unironically do

I could not learn to wolf until I learned how to stop fucking starving myself during wolfgames

a while ago i was working on a mafia game where you were working in an office where everyone was secretly a lizard person pretending to be human and the mafia team were real humans and today completely unrelatedly i had the vision of dead internet theory mafia and it makes the fucking lizard game actually work except dead internet instead because thats actually cool

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dead internet theory mafia is on the backlog

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harassment is fundamental to a mafia career

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