Cookie Thread Act 3: The Cookie Strikes Back


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it’s much better to carry as prosecutor then marshal


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its better in a game like tos2 but with good players marshal is better

You can hang the jester AND the lasy evil with this role

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Once I was pros in a f3 wifh jester and another evil and I told the jester I’ll vote them to give them the win

and then I pros’d the other

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I needed to stall along enough for my ability

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i swear they implode on themselves more and more

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it is bmg. Could always leak all their account information

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may and tutuu when cookiethread is pokeposting


chat what does that mean

i just said “your mom” to someone and SOMEONE ELSE went “my mom is hot”

chat is this epic?


I hate this fucking assignment to, quite literally, write about “the 3 most pivotal moments in your life”.

Either I actually write about the 3 most pivotal moments of my life and have to get really weirdly deeply personal with this professor I do not know, or write about really stupid shit that was only kind of pivotal and come off like some sheltered weirdo who has never faced adversity


Getting born is the first pivotal moment

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that’s a weird sheltered kid who’s never faced adversity answer tho


if you lace the essay with sarcasm though

treating our like 3rd assignment as a total joke, great first impression to make on a professor who also happens to be an important director for the college i am majoring in


finally move back in from my not very well insulated house to my dorm room, thinking foolishly that the heater didn’t break down over break and the room temperature in my dorm isn’t currently 45 degrees

accept the L and write about pivotal moments then

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