Cookie Thread Act 3: The Cookie Strikes Back

Hm. That seems non-optimal.

This iced tea has waaaaay too much syrup in it and itā€™s very interesting to drink. Itā€™s like some kind of potion


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anyway this is all tangential to the fact that itā€™s fucking 45 degrees in my room. iā€™m gonna have to sleep in here

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oh itā€™s down to 44 now. moving the opposite of up in the world

he took complete control of the situation with that one line and left his opponents utterly bewildered


I opened my ice cream bar on the way back from the dining hall despite that being inconvenient becsuse I like the optics of eating ice cream in short sleeves and sandals in below-freezing weather

This is winning

Like ultimately any form of acknowledgment of the cold is conceding to the cold and therefore a loss. I canā€™t lose

If I eat ice cream I go out of my way not to acknowledge the cold, which is not only not losing, it is winning. Thatā€™s victory

I donā€™t even want this ice cream I canā€™t finish it

speak for yourself iā€™m figuring out who to harass about getting a space heater

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I feel like this is the most blatant proof of insanity Iā€™ve sent in this thread in a while. Feel free to screenshot and send to my employer

Yeah sleeping in the cold is sucks. I can ignore anything while awake but if my body physically wonā€™t let me sleep I cannot win

okay wait people just went into the room across from mine presumably with implements to fix the heater. i could win yet

the person who lives there went up to me unprompted asked me my room temperature and told me about the space heater thing. i think this entire hallway is going through it

People sometimes suggest to me that I feel the cold less than other people. This would seem obvious, given I do not react to it, but I literally donā€™t. I get cold so easily. Of course I do, I have terrible circulation and youā€™ve heard about my eating habits, I will physically shiver in rooms where other people do not even feel the cold. But Iā€™m obsessed with Winning. So I refuse to wear warm clothes unless I absolutely must

I have a nice big coat I never have an excuse to wearā€¦ I like the coat, itā€™s got a lot of pockets, itā€™s so easy to hide shit on your body with itā€¦

Anyway sorry about the heater situation. Hope that gets fixed.

i am currently wearing my coat. indoors. as well as my shoes.