Cookie Thread Act 3: The Cookie Strikes Back

yeah sacrificing your queen is the second most optimal play here

directly behind never getting here in the first place

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why can i figure this out this fast exclusively when iā€™m not actually playing

actually i think the more powerful option for black is just Nxe1 because then Bxb6 axb6 and you have tempo

actually that runs into Qb3 and Rad8 doesnt work because the pawn is still there

doesnā€™t that expose your rook

well yeah but its protected by the other

itā€™s guarded
i have transcended tunnelvision straight into funnelvision

Just won big brother woo

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I canā€™t count how many times Iā€™ve had to go into the common room to get someone to open a child safety lid on medication for meā€¦

Itā€™s fine. People love opening child safety lids for others who cannot. It creates feelings of strength and power, which is what I aspire to do in others,

Really, they should be thanking me.

you are not beating the child allegations

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Donā€™t say it like that!!!

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Nobodyā€™s commenting on the fact that I now have the Good Reply badge, which I achieved by liking my own post on a hydra account. That was really funny. Someone should mention it so I can make jokes about it

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may you havenā€™t read the guidelines? iā€™m disappointed


wow nice title whereā€™d u get it

Your momā€™s house lol

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