Cookie Thread Act 3: The Cookie Strikes Back

ive been to ftc 3 times in memory once i (deservedly) got 3rd once i got 2nd bc half the jury voted for their friends once i won and like 80% of the server hated me afterwards bc the guy who got second was super popular in the community

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This is the community I represented for mafia championships brw

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yeah, I donā€™t play on any server besides that one for a reason

my nick name is Kittamine there


Popularity contest moment

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I compare the situation to team rocket losing I think itā€™s kinda comical that not only did you and your boyfriend get evicted yoye plot to get me to lose failed

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Ego gloating time

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Small kittens literally cannot lose. Itā€™s never happened

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The hosts were like ā€œlitten yoy could slam dunk this man at any time but you are choosing to praise himā€ and that was a tarical decision because while I could dunk him he was way too nice to dunk and I needed the four to remain strong since I couldnā€™t rely the other three

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littenā€™s a celebrity
guys weā€™re in the presence of a celebrity


Iā€™m too blatantly obsessed with winning to be that likeable in Survivor and Big Brother. I donā€™t mean I choose not to be likeable so I can win, itā€™s an active hindrance to my victory chances to be openly tryharding that bad, but I canā€™t ever help myself


I try to be as likeable as possible and it just works.

Thereā€™s a voice in the back of my mind that goes winningwinningwinningwinning and if I ever speak its thoughts people get mad at me and make me not win but itā€™s so tempting

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I actively use the words
ā€œI want to win yes
But you also want to win right
Clearly keeping the guy who wants to win is good for you because other people might want that guy outā€

And it just works

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I do this but then theyā€™re DUMB and go against their INTERESTS because oh heā€™s my friend and I get SO mad and I turn into an evil villain


Not those exact words but also talking to the two people who can win comps who are in f4 daily since week 3 works wonders with being able to makunever around them

I can be polite so long as it feels like Iā€™m in a fair and sporting competition but as soon as people do something I see as non-optimal I go ā€œwhat the fuck is wrong with youā€ and everyone goes May hates friendship. And I do

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I canā€™t remember if you said this before or if i just have a babybel godread but Iā€™m choosing to believe itā€™s the latter

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I can see why may doesnā€™t win games like big brother

Yoy are just generally unempathic