Cookie Thread Act 3: The Cookie Strikes Back

I think this way because I am generally unempathetic!

By the way, apparently, the auidence chat thought zboi did a better case as to why I should win than me

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I just took “treat others how you want to be treated” very literally and I want to be treated like an obstacle to be dealt with in fair competition is that too much to ask


“Ohhh May you’re so unempathetic think about how you would feel if others treated you this way” If two people in a F3 went “you hinder our chances of winning, neither of us want to be against you in a F2, we’ve conspired behind your back to vote you out” I’d be so impressed with them. I’d be kinda mad, but I’d be much more impressed, and if they genuinely thought that would win them the game, that is the course of action I would want them to take. Pity and bias are so much more offensive to me than ruthlessness. Win the game

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this is the only way i avoid feeling bad in social games

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i stop being a person and so does everyone else

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It’s literally hte contract of playing a social game! You compete!!! Nobody cries in sports because their opponents didn’t let them win!!! That’s how GAMES WORK

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Don’t worry may
I can befriend them for you and get them to backstab you

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I get extremely upset if someone says, like, “I want to vote you out for my win condition, but I feel like you’d think I’m a bad person if I did that, so I won’t”. That is orders of magnitude more frustrating than someone backstabbing me to win. That means they don’t respect the social contract of social games (that this isn’t fucking personal), and they don’t have enough respect for me to understand that I am following that contract in the given scenario. I promise with all my heart I will not hate you over Survivor! Please have the respect for me to understand that I’m not fuckin lying about that!!!

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i’m going to go cry over games now to be a contrarian


You are thinking about this in a fairly 2d manner
They are thinking far ahead in future games
You are focusing on winning the present game

This game was a one-off

It’s so much easier for people to work with you if you act like that, anyway, they know you are less likely to backstab them than others and it’s in their best interest to work with you
in the long run. Their syrategtt wins more often

yeah, but you can cultivate your personality by showing how you acted in other games

this game I focused on being technically truthful about eveyrhing i said and one of my slogans was lying is bad for business

even in f4 I told karla that she can either evict her ally zboi and I’ll take ber to f3 or she can evict alnonds and I’ll take zboi to f3
which is truthful, and I would have lost if I took her, but I didn’t expect her to not take her ally there

so I didn’t have to change anything

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There were no future games to win in, and they fully when explaining this to me never once mentioned future games!! I understand and respect the strategy of cultivating allies for future games if that’s what’s going on, but this was someone unfamiliar with social games who was fully acting off of, like, Morals or hwatever. It wasn’t winning. Trust me when I say it wasn’t winning


post vin diesel motivational posters everyday
works every time