Cookie Thread Act 3: The Cookie Strikes Back

one of the best quotes
one of the HOHs acted batshit insane and put her ally on the block and started sprouting out how captalism is clearly the best thing ever as a satire type thing and me and karla started to plan a revolution when their reign was over

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their head got cut off the next eviction

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It was just an abstract idea of ā€œyou seem really upset about this so I feel like I have to stop :/ā€ Iā€™m intense about social games because I love them and I love winning them and I love losing them!!! You know whatā€™ll make me actually upset? Throwing!!!

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Please throw if it benefits me thanks




I will not forget about you and let you starve to death

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I snuck out the house when someone knocked and you still havenā€™t noticed.

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itā€™s their words not mine

Anyway Iā€™m done ranting about that

I feel like I should probably put more effort into being likeable than I do currently but itā€™s so much work

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Karla described my game as formulaic and I think thatā€™s true
thereā€™s a reason I always do pretty well at these sort of games

Itā€™s also why I usually win my wolf games I donā€™t change it at all

i likely have. especially covid era i downed a lot and i kinda just liveblogged everything I did at that time

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Wouldnā€™t know what thatā€™s like

best org quote ive ever had



i bought va-11 hall-a and to be quite honest

i am devastated to learn that in this cyberpunk dystopian hellscape

4chan still exists

I hate Mondays


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