Cookie Thread Act 3: The Cookie Strikes Back

The problem with introducing mafia to people is if I want to do it I need to approve the playerlist in my head first
I’m never going to like approve it here because I don’t know 100% whether the game will be fun because sometimes games here get really heated

@discobot roll 1d10

:game_die: 6

figure out what that means

Caramelldanced Root Vegetables

I’m not interpreting that I got the ramen

It’s rare that 3/4 options are edible for me. And the 4th is just the same ramen with pork in it

Is this a judicial determination, your honor

No but keep calling me your honour

Your dishonor, is it to say that lately you haven’t experienced anymore locked-out scenarios besides the recent bathroom one and the other one from september

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I haven’t been locked out since September excluding the bathroom which again opens with a butter knife

Is it fair to say that you’re exposing the bathroom doors to “undue duress”?

Everyone likes getting stabbed with a butter knife it’s fun and enriching



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