Cookie Thread Act 3: The Cookie Strikes Back

this is my chance
someone help me get the cookie

i’ll give you half

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beep boop

how’s life :joy_cat:

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Someone once told me

The world was gonna roll me

I tried to relace my boots but I decided I didn’t like it as much as the old lace way so I had got to reverse-engineer how they were originally laced

This is because a Splatoon server I’m in added a bot called “the shoe”, resulting in the creation of a channel called “#helpdesk-but-only-for-the-shoe”, which was interpreted literally, and so people began sharing shoe-related tips there


Maybe I should try relacing my sneakers. Wait but the eyelets on them don’t like being multiple time through. Why don’t I have any shoes I can pentagram

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may trying to summon 10,000 unnamed gay people to get the cookie and FAILING

sorry i stopped procrastinating again but im back now

uhh same as always
behind on everything (by everything i mean the assigment i have due in 12 hours which i’m still trying to finish)

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smh it’s like you don’t even want the cookie

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what’s the assignment

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being 10,000 unnamed gay people

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hello frazor

how are you on this fine day

are you going to recruit me to another game

why do i get the sense we’re about to get a frazor but purple event

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fraZ0R you sohuld strawberrypost

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no witch hunt isnt filling

i would’ve recruited you to one but it just started so