Cookie Thread Act 3: The Cookie Strikes Back

like im probably just gonna can it :wowee:

Multivariable calculus is easy, and Physics II is easy. Time to learn about the easiness of Inorganic Chemistry I

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i cant be bothered to explain so i will just c/p

Identify an area of your interest, and write a short (2500 words
max) report (suitable for a layperson) about the existing challenges in your field, and discuss
how some of the challenges can be addressed using technologies in Microengineering

(there’s a marking criteria but i cut that)

I’m writing about quantum dot solar cells


Every semester in the first week I pay 0 attention to anything, and then in the second week I go “FUCK I have like 40 quizzes tomorrow and I know absolutely nothing and I am completely lost in all my lectures, I’ve finally hit the point where things actually get challenging and I have to try and study and keep up with the homework, I’m done for” and hten I spent 5 minutes on the homework the night beofre the quiz and it’s like oh. This is easy. Nevemrind

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this happens to me too except the part where it’s easy


thats crazy i have an 8 page essay due sunday

we did not get given the prompts for it until last friday

mods help i cant strawberry post because of the 4mb limit


Try taking easier classes :+1:

upload it to discord

then post the discord link

just that easy

arent they like going to make the links expire at some point

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i dont want to ruin the immersion for people backreading this in 2025


to the people backreading this in 2025: you just lost the game


let’s find out

oh other problem all of my videos are old and were recorded on my switch so they’re 30 seconds long and just the end because the switch recording is retroactive of the last 30 seconds for some reason

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no problem, with more than a week to write it you can just not work on it at all until Saturday night and then finish the whole thing the night before it’s due

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eliza why did you heart this post

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i am dutybound

this better fucking work

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