no but like its just a habit at this point
i am able to turn it off in games im hosting tho so
just checked
still hate chapter 3
I can now effortlessly open child safety lids
Incredible what one can achieve when one eats two meals in a 4-hour span
You get super strength from cabbages.
Receive email from professor. Email preview says “Name, I cannot give you accommodations…”
Open email. “…unless you tell me which section number you are in”.
This video has been pinned in hte mafia Discord server I am in for longer than I have been there and I think about it frequently when spectating mafia games
Why didnt it send
why are spectators doing this
more importantly why is yu narukami from purseowner 4 spectating a game of mafia
So D1 everyone becomes the Tinker. Got it
Next BoTF should have a solo Kazali script as the base.
why do i keep getting ads about how i need to make a will or my family will get nothing when i die
people trying to exploit the general public’s fear of death for a leg up in the financial aspect of society, probably
i get that but aren’t ads supposed to be tailored to people i feel like google should know i’m not at immediate risk of dying
maybe the criteria theyre using to do the tailoring stuff just sucks
Y o u r
T i m e
I s
T i c k i n g