Cookie Thread Act 3: The Cookie Strikes Back

additionally the overwhelming layer of disgust that the game’s “oooh look at us we’re being cheery while disgusting things happen to animals :)” cynicism presents completely turns me and almost all of my personal friends off the game strongly, to the point that i have multiple friends actively express the wish never to see the game ever again

I don’t do horrible things to them :slight_smile:

you aren’t forced to by any means and the game is still incredibly fun without any shock value

that’s fucking keldeo with antlers instead of a horn
you cannot be this easy to fool

bro has never heard of a “deer”

also they have a totoro/cheshire cat mashup pal which is honestly such a cool blend

i know what a fucking deer is, i am telling you that the design is obviously apeing Keldeo, down to the colour scheme, but a different animal, and do not call me bro

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there’s suicune-like elements, but my point is that there’s no overall unique impression going on there. that’s literally just a fucking pokemon but it doesn’t look as good dude

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this is also evidence of pokemon ripping themselves off :roll_eyes:

sometimes a deer just looks like a deer

all that’s different is that it’s empty and plagiaristic in the way that large language models jumble up people’s text instead of the way humans lazily alter things they want to copy

and, like, yes, obviously, the actual process of creation requires mining inspiration, I’m not disputing that, but there is a line where originality becomess an actual problem, and that line gets a hell of a lot more stringent when your entire deal as a narrative is “woagh look it looks like the thing you llike but we made it :sparkles: edgy :sparkles:

ah yes because pokemon is anything but lazy :roll_eyes:

at any rate pokemon doesn’t let me rove around a sick-ass open world and come across their creatures naturally so even if the designs were literally direct model rips it’d still be cool af

oh daedream another good early-game example

right but that open world is just a bunch of pre-existing opening worlds subjected to the same process

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the game is fucking mush, dude.

what does this even mean

don’t really wanna start digging down the paldeck because finding new shit is a large amount of the fun imo and spoiling that would really take away from that

i mean that in the same way that the visuals of the creatures are distinctly lifted from other sources without any real vision of their own, the open world is the same way

Hello everyone what is-



you are travelling through a world that looks like ones you’ve seen before, catching creatures that look like ones you’ve seen before, having dopamine piped into you by an endless series of grinds and rewards, and then the game goes “Gun. aren’'t we clever :)”