Cookie Thread Act 3: The Cookie Strikes Back

ici has decided people cannot like things on the internet unless they pass some arbitrary bar of originality and “inspiredness”


no actually i just wanted to challenge your reccomendation with an alternative perspective because i know a lot of people on this forum would absolutely detest palworld like i do

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and yet the combination of elements is still a novel experience that is more than the sum of its parts

don’t really get why you seem to have such aversion to the concept that something could be good despite being derivative

bear in mind, i detest it becuase the game is unfathomably, insultingly mediocre, not because it’s outright bad

and that’s your opinion :slight_smile:

if it were mine I would be disappointed and move on - I don’t generally waste my time on things I find mediocre

right sure you can have that opinion, but, the problem is that the game has that edginess, it has that shock value, and that quite frankly means that it ought to be trying something. it ought to have a vision, instead of being what this is

like “holy shit we made pokemon but you cna eat the pokemon” is something you could do. why are you doing it in your ARK clone with pokemon slapped onto it. it’s almost like you’re not interested in the actual idea of animal cruelty, just the optics of it

but again the shock value bits basically don’t influence my opinion at all because I just don’t engage with them

also not everything needs to say something with every single element of its design

shock value for the sake of it isn’t anything special, sure, but it doesn’t detract from the underlying game which is really all I personally care about

holy fuck palworld is obviously not trying to be a political statement on animal cruelty what lmfao

the idea that it needs to be just because it has those elements is also wild tbh

that’s the fucking problem, dude. it literally understands nothing about a pretty large part of its’ subject matter, even if you personally don’t engage with it, and has nothing to say about it. do you not see how that could be profoundly offensive to someone who actually fucking cares about those issues?


right. now. consider. that should fucking impact your reccomendation of the game. if a game includes shock value elements, you should not go “oh just ignore them” as a way to assuage anyone who has any doubts about whether they’ll be able to stomach the game despite that

i am not particualrly strongly predisposed to animal rights stuff, I’m quite frankly far more concerned with the injustices visited upon humans, but what I do think is that if you are invoking the imagery of cruelty, you should not just be doing it for the sake of cruelty.

the ability to stand pointless cruelty is a luxury, and it is not something that all of us have.

I haven’t said that at all

I have said that I don’t engage with them personally, and that it doesn’t affect my view of or enjoyment of the game at all, and that the game is still every bit as enjoyable if you choose to not engage with those systems

If you wanna do that go ham tho that’s up to you

personally ive ignored orange’s views on shock value since the made in abyss watch party

Ici do you endorse having this argument

yes i think art is important

she pal on my worl till i d

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and i think that what this comes down to is that i’m far more concerned with Palworld as a piece of art probably because I haven’t played it