Cookie Thread Act 3: The Cookie Strikes Back



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Finally, Legion has a way to avoid being outed on double claims.

I feel like there’s much more interesting roles you can have over Village idiot

I already know which characters are going on my Village Idiot script.

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There were already ways to avoid this, but fair.

Like Mole.


someone who confidently pushed their empath neighbor as drunk


We arent getting mole anytime soon methinks

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This is the character you guys hyped up?

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1 double claim can be explained away by Pixie/Mutant. More than that tends to give away Legion exists.

Legion can just play better.


I really dislike the idea of being legion ngl

It’s locked behind the Vizier script.

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out of curiosity has legion ever won a game

Yeah, of course.

Did i ever hype this character up

Ive been calling witch hunter the cursed cop not this

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Legion tends to win a lot, actually.

Either the good team is gullible and loses quickly, or they figure out it’s a Legion game but one good player misvotes in F3.

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(Good wins if there’s a good, trustworthy, strongwilled leader to rally around, and loses otherwise every time, mainly.)

(or when legion all go on a single vote)
