Cookie Thread Act 3: The Cookie Strikes Back

Realising that I am very autistic


When I do something to wrong somebody my response is “that was incorrect to do and J will not do it in the future”. People see this and go what the fuck you didn’t apologise. However this is literally all I want from an apology ever

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If someone says “I’m really sorry and I feel bad for hurting you” I go ok but what am I going to do with that. I don’t want them to feel bad I want them to stop. Them placing focus on feeling bad in fact makes me feel weird and, like, mildly guilty!

I read a “normal apology” as, like, their motivation to want to stop not being that it is causing me harm, but that me being sad about their behaviour makes them feel bad, and they want their bad feeling to stop.

Like. If I hadn’t said anything, they’d still be causing me harm, but they wouldn’t feel bad. Would they find that outcome - me shutting the fuck up - just as preferable, if not more so, as an actual solution? I always interpret the implication of a normalpeople apology as such.

So I feel weird saying “sorry, I feel bad about doing this”! But if I don’t say that, people will say I never apologised, even though I literally said my behaviour was incorrect and I would stop. What more do you want!!! Understanding is better than emotion, no???

I am extremely autistic.

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this isn’t an apology! you’re foisting all the responsibility onto poor J


I think it’s cause autism hyperempathy makes you feel Really intensely bad whenever you see any kind of even mild suffering. Right. And that means even reasonable stuff that you have no control over, like, I dunno, watching someone shovel a bunch of snow in their driveway or have to pick up a mess on the ground makes you feel very bad. And it is not viable to help every single one of these people with every single mildly unpleasant task they must endure. I definitely help random people out with stuff more than average on account of feeling more bad for them but eventually you have to train yourself into knowing that not every feeling of guilt or empathy is actionable.

And so when people express their guilt to me instead of me like assuming it’s warranted it’s like. Damn I’m sorry I made you feel like that by suffering in public

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At somepoint when you feel really unproductively bad for everyone experiencinng even a mildly unpleasant emotion your reaction starts to trend toward “please suffer out of my sight”

Fuck J they deserve it


Fuck J she deserves it

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I almost didn’t hit send on that joke. Almost. It’s really funny though


im making a desktop pet right now. May do you want to be my desktop pet


i have not chosen a pet it can be met lemres

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I feel like saying u will stop is def an apology? Idk what other people mean if i said “hey stop doing this” and someone else was like “ok” thats like heaven bc if they say “oh im sorry” then i feel bad bc they feel bad and then i wish i hadnt said anything bc i feel bad now


This is exactly how I feel but I’m told that other people do not think like this

on it :+1:
im getting distracted by other thigns
i should be able to like. kind of do it shoddily in not much effort
im using new weird graphics library and I Suck At Graphics Library so im just. looking around. And making desktop pets

People are weird and dumg im the only normal one


i think that it depends on the person and context. i dont think you can accurately put this in two boxes for all cases

in some cases a person might feel the need to elaborate they feel bad to make sure their feeling of empathy is properly communicated. it might be not otherwise communicated, ie the other person might suspect the other person literally hates them. so by communicating that you feel bad that’s one way to do it

its also not wrong that it can be overused and not just this but in general a person can be a bit selfish and overly focused on themselves, ie they can make it about themselves rather than the person they’re supposedly apologizing to. they might not even suspect that they’re being selfish, which i think makes sense, because once a person realizes they might be, they usually stop doing it. if they are doing it they usually aren’t realizing it imo

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Yeah it’s definitely more complicated than that, I’m overgeneralising but like broadly I feel really really weird saying “sorry” in lots of contexts where I’ve later been told it was explicitly expected

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