Cookie Thread Act 3: The Cookie Strikes Back

i love Pokémon rby its my current ism

we have the technology to implement video into pokemon yellow go wild

if its in the base game it means its canon

pretty sure skyrim is already a good demonstration on why mod support is a mistake

italy you watched the marble blast gold video right

tbh most of the mods are just cheat mods or “make the game easier” mods

at least where i looked

maybe theres a secret site im missing

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was that the one with the furry dating sim break

you would be more than likely to find any such applicable mods either on nexus or that one site which i really shouldn’t namedrop on a pg13 forum site

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idk what this mysterious site you speak of is but i was on nexus

okay well you see if you were looking to utterly defile your copy of skyrim or fallout 4

Someone tell me to put the Sloshing Machine down I just lost 3 straight games

im working on a game thats in the same style/feel as older pokemon games, but its ponys instead + a few novel mechanics

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I spilled sparkling water on my laptop and I can hear the keyboard hissing

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and by I, I mean a friend of mines been working on it for 3-4 years now and iv more recently came on to help with some of the finishing stuff

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i wish i could quote this thread on this forum but alas

Wait, that’s actually really neat.

I saw a Mahjong textbook in Foyle’s if you want that.

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I have one

What’s with light Novel protagonists always being called Allen