Cookie Thread Act 3: The Cookie Strikes Back

I cant tell if this is a bit or they actually need to know

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the derivative of a function at x is the slope of that function at x

and the general derivative is the formula to find that slope


the big thing you need to remember is that the derivative of x^n is n * (x^n-1)

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like 60% of the problems you get are just variations on that

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sin → cos → -sin → -cos → sin is a derivative loop as well iirc but i might have the cos and sin switched there

i dont think i do?

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You have it right

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I refuse to memorize trig things

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I still have to do out all the fucking integrals and shit of weird trig functions by hand

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and iirc the derivative of xy is x * derivative of y – y * derivative of x

but i also might have those terms backwards as well

or just be completely remembering wrong

I refuse to memorize any of the rules for trig related calculations and simply look them up when I need them and take an L on test that need them

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Like the only points I lost on my first diffeq exam were forgetting the integral of tan(x)

It’s plus. x * derivative of y + y * derivative of x

deleting my account



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Please do not use this forum to spread misinformation. This is your first warning.

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depending on where you are in your math course some of your problems might ask you about the “limit definition of the derivative” which is like if you took derivatives but made them suck


I do actually need to know but i am just gonna read my teachers lecture notes and pray

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derivatives arent the hard part of calc so its ok

Khan Academy calculus is good I know because I used it to learn calculus to harass my friend with