Cookie Thread Act 3: The Cookie Strikes Back

integrals are easy though? just count the squares on your graph paper?

[not a serious post]


unironically Marshal if you post your homework here (or in a shared Discord if that’s easier) I can try and help you with it, although for clarity I do actually mean ‘help you with it’ and not ‘do it all for you’


Calcs difficulty comes from when I just stop doing the problems because they take too long and I got bored

i feel like this class would be easy if i just. went. too bad i dont feel like it


thats how I treat all my classes

We did Kahoots for an event it was supposed to be Warrior Cats themed but I ran out of questions so I decided to put in obnoxious homework questions. But if you just copy and paste a question then you risk that your target (complaining about calc homework) knows how to do the question and you yourself do not, which constitutes Losing

realistically i just gotta tough it out and learn it myself by doing cuz otherwise im gonna fail the exams anyways which is cringe

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i forgot that i did go to math class today actually. like i went. but i played retro bowl the entire time and didn’t listen to a word the teacher said

I lost 3 games in a row too not only do I fucking suck at calculus i fucking suck at retro bowl. good thing i can combine my two interests to suck even more

you’re gonna need to grade pad for the derivatives portion of the course. because the second half of the semester will be integrals and they are much worse


So I went Khan Academy and learned all the calc. I was like 13 I hadn’t even had precalc class yet but the Khan Academy is good

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So it iddn’t matter

Glowing recommendation

Then I could host Mahjong Mondays from calc lectures when I actually took calc courses

rip my 4.0 gpa it was nice while it lasted

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If youre not using it any more can I have it

So close

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no im using it so when i eventually get a 1.7 in my third semester i can pad it out and not lose my scholarships


Im so not an academic weapon. I dropped accounting and then instead took a creative writing class and then dropped that immediately too.

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do you want a mini lecture on derivatives that isn’t about any of your specific homework problems and will partially be supplemented by me Googling how to do basic calc things that I’ve forgotten about

(you can say no)

(you can also say yes, this is actually not a shitpost for once)