Cookie Thread Act 3: The Cookie Strikes Back

ok i’m on progress to be done on friday
this is good-ish

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this is me i flirt like that

with DR6?


just a test
going to test some things because shipping the final product without any data on the various new systems didn’t seem like a good idea


probable DR6 timeline

this weekend or next week: testing weird mechanics
sometime this summer: the game
about two weeks before the game goes up: interest check / organizing times


bro there has been like 5 interest checks for DR6 over the past 2 years (This is more so just funny not a criticism)

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it’s a really easy project to give up on
We’re somewhere between 50k and 100k raw words written so far and about triple that for discussions on what to include in the game


yeah it’s funny as shit

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what the actual fuck

is the most i’ve written (This is for MR:TOTOO)

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That’s litterally like 90-180 pages

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I’m about done with all the characters but we also have the map and the other bits of lore so it’s probably going to balloon to somewhere in the low 200k range

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thats litterally in like classical novel range of word count

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the map formatting is so obnoxious
due to how we’re doing feedback, I have to write several more lines than dr5 had

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Gosh we are going to play a game that lasts for years

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let me bring up an example

Character has [x] skill
This will have an interaction if they inspect some number of objects. Let’s say that, across the areas, that totals up to about 10

That means that’s 10 extra lines

And characters average around ~5 or so skills which will have this trait and some will have much wider use cases for feedback


the only people who have to suffer through the walls is the hosts
because most players will only see at most 10% of that overall text (ballparking)

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That’s still gonna be 20k words which is like 32 pages


should be fine I think considering how everything is spaced but
ballpark numbers

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