Cookie Thread Act 3: The Cookie Strikes Back

arctic wanna meet up on my birthday



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Clearly the joke is about Chloe flying off to sleep


ok when’s your birthday again

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what the hell

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wow you one upped tutuu with the 222 birthday

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you cant say it

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:on: :top:

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that was my first ever bingo i suck at scrabble

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I knew i should have made a new thread for it

Id rank you at +4. You seem like you can take a hit or two


fun marissa calculus update: I took a quiz… and I definitely got the derivatives part down I was totally cooking. Then there was a problem saying to use “Differential Approximations” whatever the hell that means. I still think i got it right tho?


Thats so adorable ^-^

You two can have a pizza and watch a movie and awkwardly talk

But also @May be careful …

ok gang. did I do this right

basically the question was: A company increases their advertizing budget from 12 to 16. let x = 12 and y = the amount of units they sell.

It said the equation that representated it was y = 84x -x^2. And the differential (WHAT DOES THAT MEAN) was dy = (84 - 2x)dx. It said use the differential approximation to approximate how many units would sell when they increase.

it also said dx was the change in x and asked us what it was (I said 4… because it increased by 4. that makes sense right?

I just plugged it into the actual equation and found they’d sell 236 units. So i just put in numbers and eventually got

dy=(84 - 2(12))(4) = 240. so approximately 240 with dx being 4.

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did i cook and get it right or did i mega sell



i have a busy day planned can arctic come to the north of Scotland. preferably with alcohol

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May will solve it for u when she comes online later just to be sure

I have faith in chatgpt myself