Cookie Thread Act 3: The Cookie Strikes Back

I take as many classes as I can without paying more money and I still get bored. Also exams ar emore

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Thereā€™s no final

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Waut there is a final in this class I mixed them up

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No thatā€™s me

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I did great on this exam but I forgot how to draw a bowl

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oh mine were per semester, so if you didnt take max classes you were losing money

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My worst nightmare drawing in 3d space

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Yeah I have the same system. Where Iā€™m taking max classes and not losing money .You can take over the max you just have to pay more


I prefer 6 exams to either 1 big final and thats it or quiz every week get fucked

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oh I could go over the max without paying more

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Oh we have quizzes every week and 25 homework problems due every time we meet

I couldā€™ve fit in 2 more credits if I did tutoring or the like mini-TAing or something and I already have to explain shit in physics class to people next ot me cause the TAs are bad at it but I forgot to apply


Up to 25 credits

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We can only take up to 21 and then we gotta pay more money


This professor is jotrious for being hard but I noticed all the hard professors grade their tests out of 110 points and this guy isnā€™t an exception

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I assume this system is in place because people were taking way too many classes so they could get their moneyā€™s worth. I assume people here would do that


I could up to 25 and thats it, thems the breaks

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yea that is 1 of the 2 ways colleges troll you for money

Only 2?