Cookie Thread Act 3: The Cookie Strikes Back

Hey boss is back

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I donā€™t think gorta has ever not been busy

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idk what they could even do tho, its not like anyone can solve my problems

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Someone pull out an infographic

solution imo is just power through, and then retire and do whatever

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Hey when was this site created

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Iā€™m trying to remember if boss was before or after

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I know he was on old fol but canā€™t remember when new fol was created

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I am similarly inadvisably stubborn about mental health stuff but seeking treatment for physical health issues even when I could technically ā€œpush through themā€ improved my life significantly and had minimal downside. It did not make me better or stronger or less of a ā€œburdenā€ to just ignore shit, it just meant I was making myself suffer for no reason. I was and still am able to do better for myself and for the people around me while, like, being treated for this stuff


Damn yā€™all need to conjure infographics better

2011 unless Iā€™m remembering wrong.

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Fortress was not created in 2011

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old site was 2016 wasnt it. random trivia i know somehow i dont know how

2018 last site

2022 this site

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Thought it was 2016

It was not 2018 for old site because I was on the forums in 2018 feb my first ever post or whatever and people were way older than me forum wise

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Thatā€™s when tol came out