Cookie Thread Act 3: The Cookie Strikes Back

i deliberately chose not to get braces. was given the option. said “no.” no regrets yet but if i live to 50 i’ll probably hate my teenage self

me and tutuu were trying to poe who reported marissa can you just tell me instead :pleading_face:

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jokes on you the auto mod thing did it

I never needed them, was lucky

Marshal being banned means you can’t accuse mods of playing favorites

Still doesn’t seem real

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i dunno the incineroar post wasn’t text

i did it, sorry

i know i cant make you guys not do this, but people who report things privately usually do so because they aren’t comfortable saying something publicly or being known, and we should respect that


Anyway yeah. When I was in middle school and health issues were first starting to worsen I’d force myself to go to school at 8AM every day, get through the day, get home, immediately run to my bed and pass out. Definition of push through it. Did all my homework during the school day because I couldn’t do shit afterward. Too tired. I was technically capable of doing what was necessitated of me there, though never any more.

But it was not sustainable. Never would have been. And I found myself a lot happier and a lot more competent when I started, like, working on and accommodating my health issues. There was pressure I didn’t know I was under, y’know? I was able to do a lot better at schoolwork once I stopped having to rush through it during classes. I had better relationships with my friends once I started giving myself more energy to, you know, talk to them.

Before I started giving myself, like, more space, and working on my health, I woulda said the same, that I was clearly capable of just powering through every issue that I had, and that’s all I needed to do. But I didn’t know what I was missing, y’know? I backed off for a bit and worked on those issues and suddenly I had energy both to complete base requirements and, like, be a human being. It improved my productivity in the long run.


nice crosspost
(ok fine)

I know who did it for a fact

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I didn’t fuckin need them my teeth were not that bad. They said it’d take two years and they were done in one. They were just tryinf to sell me orthodontic treatment to get Money. My younge sister had literally perfect teeth and they told her she needed braces and my parents had wised up to it by then

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My teeth are misaligned but it’s a cosmetic issue they work perfectly

As in tbey overlap each other

I havent started it yet :joy_cat:
It’s one of those Can’t Focus On Anything days

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My teeth aren’t even braces perfect because when they took my braces off they didn’t give me a retainer for like a week and they had moved too much by then for it to fit so they had to make a new one

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I will spear and cook an orthodontist

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