Cookie Thread Act 3: The Cookie Strikes Back

May is a wild beast that hunts dentists for sports
I assume those are dentists it’s a fancy word

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Braces dentists

I haven’t nya’d in forever guys

The dentist I go to used to put cosmetic surgery ads literally on every surface and every time I was in there I would literally mentally plan to kill everybody in the building and that’s how I coped with ut


me and her are saying the same thing if you translate katze into chloe

i have a gap between my front teeth. could’ve fixed it with braces. back then i thought it was something cool and unique about me. and guess what, i was fucking right! 12 year old me or however old i was had a better grasp on things than me a few years later

One time I made plans to complain before I went but they didn’t put them on the TVs that day or ever afterward so who knows maybe they sensed my immense paychic attacks

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umm i do kinda think there’s a bit of a problem when things are bordering on being against the rules but then action is only taken if someone reports the post cuz that means ppl can kinda vendetta. like there’s way more sus stuff than what marissa posted which was ignored cuz nobody cared even when it’s arguably against the rules. but idk it’s too late for this discussion

I’ve never had any kind of dental issue literally every dentist appointment I’ve ever had has been 100% routine no cavities. Except whej I was 16 I needed wisdom teeth out. So for the longest time I didn’t really get why people hated the dentist. And then they put those ads on me and it was like okay I’ll kill all of you


my dentists make it a recreational sport to figure out how much they can make my teeth and gums hurt before telling me i don’t have cavities

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I have gathered sufficient evidence to expose a conspiracy regarding the moderator team and Marissa / Marshal. Screenshot this post and save it before the mods delete it and ban me.

Chapter 1: The Hacker

If you all remember, our site was a victim to vicious cyber attacks. The hacker utilized unfair advantage in the system, and was able to see people’s presence in the thread, as they were typing posts. They used this advantage to rack up a gargatuan streak of wins in Mafia. Subsequently this prompted a discussion and removal of the presence feature from the whole forum. Including the Cookie Thread.

Chapter 2: Homewreck

The Cookie Thread was Marissa’s home. She stayed out of Mafia games for the sake of her real life, so the cookie thread was her beloved place to socialize with her fellow friends. She was a huge fan of the presence feature, it made things feel more lively. And that was taken from her.

Chapter 3: Revenge

Marissa vowed down to take Revenge on the evil Cyber Hacker. She would stop at nothing. She would give anything in the name of Vengeance.

Chapter 4: The Culprit

It took me some time to figure it out, but the hacker is none other than Zugzwang. Think about it. Noone else hacks as much as he does. He made a script that tracks vote history of people. He is a malicious information broker who seeks to steal our private data.

Chapter 5: The Dilemma

Here is where the problem lies. Zugzwang is good friends with May. They hydra’d together and like each other posts a lot. May wanted to protect Zugzwang from Marissa, because she would miss him if he gets banned. Who else is good friends with May? Magnus. Magnus feels jealous when someone even says hi to May. In order to win her affection, Magnus decided to cover for Zugzwang’s crimes, utilizing their power as a dirty corrupt Moderator.

Chapter 6: The Implosion

Katze was not happy to hear about Magnus’s betrayal. Magnus has been the new kid, a mod for what - 5 days? And they’re already calling the big shots. Katze, who has been a moderator for 3 years, was unhappy that the chain of seniority was not respected. Katze decided to turn against Magnus and throw them under the bus and ban Magnus. HOWEVER. They couldn’t just have announced that Magnus was banned in the Public Moderation Log. That would ruin the prestige of the site. That created a problem. And to this problem they found a solution.

Chapter 7: The Switcheroo

Katze threatened May, who is a genius Chemistry Student, to use her chemical concoctions to perform a biochemical operation between Magnus and Marissa. Essentially, Magnus and Marissa exchanged faces just like in the movie “Face/Off” with Nicolas Cage and John Travolta from 1997. Don’t worry - I have learned from trustworthy sources that the change isn’t permanent. It’s just temporary while Magnus’ prison sentence last - until they learn their lesson.

Chapter 8: Consequences

Being impressed by Marissa’s vigilance towards the Hacker Zugzwang, they promoted Marissa to a mod. She, while disguised as Magnus, then proceeded to ban Magnus for their transgressions, who was wearing her disguise. After one month expires May is to make a second biochemical operation to reverse the effects and everything was supposed to go back to normal.

Here is the list of all people involved in this conspiracy:


Screenshot this post and save it before the mods delete it and ban me


I’ll chime in and say I would like more consistent moderation slash warnings not even for the vendetta thing but so I can better know what Is and Is Not against the rules. Someone consistently posting borderline content and there being no visible notes about it makes me go “okay so the border line is not here, these comments are not considered against the rules”, and then it is a weird surprise wjen it in fact is.

Obviously there were noted to have been private warnings here but like I think I have posted similarly borderline stuff here and not gotten any note of it so it’s a strange feeling y’know. It is easier to follow rules when they are clearly set-out


Clearly we need to report our own posts

We don’t take action on everything that’s reported, and we do also action things that weren’t. That being said, we don’t read every post so we definitely miss stuff, and flags bring them to our attention - and depending on the rulebreak, context, message written alongside the flag, who is flagging (if its someone who cleaely just Doesn’t Like That Person, etc) it’s clear if someone is genuinely uncomfortable or if they have a vendetta

The Line for nsfw stuff has always been kinda iffy and subjective, so it’s one of those things we do weigh in people’s discomfort heavily

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And specifically rules on what constitutes NSFW content are SUPER subjective between different communities: sometimes it means “just don’t post outright porn”, sometimes it means “absolutely no innuendos yes May this includes ‘I hardly know er’ jokes stop making those”.

So when the rules appear to go unenforced for a while that makes me make False assumptions about what interpretation of the Scripture (“no nsfw”) is being applied here. Hard to follow rules I do not understand


Fun fact
There was a flag rating system where whenever you flag a post and a mod reviews it, if they agree with the flag you get rating and lose rating if you didn’t

Apparently my rating on the old site was so far in the negatives I could never recover financially

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Straight up I should do that if I have questions that seems effective

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My self report arc is beginning

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we can no longer say this?

Longer? But I hardly know ‘er!

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